Getting Started using Rust



You can add the mpl-core crate to your Rust project by installing with cargo.

cargo add mpl-core

Alternatively you can paste the version of mpl-core crate you wish to use straight into your Cargo.toml file under [dependencies].

mpl-core = "x.x.x"

Local Scripts

For local scripts is recommended to use the Builder versions of all the instructions listed. These builders abstract a lot of the work for you and return a instruction that can be added to a transaction.

A list of all Core instructions can be found here: Metaplex Core - Rust Instructions

For a more comprehensive guide on Builder instruction types please visit the Working with Rust page.

CreateV1Builder - Example

use mpl_core::instructions::CreateV1Builder;
use solana_client::rpc_client;
use solana_sdk::{signature::Keypair, signer::Signer, transaction::Transaction};

pub fn create_asset() {

let rpc_client = rpc_client::RpcClient::new("".to_string());

let keypair_path = ".../my-key.json"
    let keypair = solana_sdk::signature::read_keypair_file(keypair_path).unwrap();
    let asset = Keypair::new();

    let create_asset_ix = CreateV1Builder::new()
        .name("My Asset".into())

    let signers = vec![&asset, &keypair];

    let last_blockhash = rpc_client.get_latest_blockhash().await.unwrap();

    let create_asset_tx = Transaction::new_signed_with_payer(

    let res = rpc_client.send_and_confirm_transaction(&create_asset_tx).await.unwrap();

    println!("Signature: {:?}", res)


CPI (Cross Program Invocation)

Performing CPI instructions from your own programs can be achieved easily by using the CpiBuilder version of an instruction function that can be found for all instructions.

A list of all Core instructions can be found here: Metaplex Core - Rust Instructions

For a more comprehensive guide on Builder instruction types please visit the Working with Rust page.

CreateV1CpiBuilder - Example
