Auction House

Timed Auction using Auctioneer

The Timed Auction Auctioneer is an Auctioneer implementation that adds English-style auction rules built on top of Auction House.

Listing Config

The listing config struct is used to store all feature-related parameters attached to each listing. All features can be configured on a per-listing basis.


  • English Auction with start and end dates
  • Highest bid tracking
  • Reserve price (Minimum Bid)
  • Minimum Bid Increment - Require new bidders to bid a certain amount more than the current bid
  • Automatic Time Extension - Bids made close to the end of an auction (this period is customizable) will extend the auction end date a configurable amount
  • Prevent Highest Bidder cancellation - The highest bidder won't be able to cancel their bid and are required to purchase the NFT if they win*

*Due to Auction House's escrowless nature, it is unable to prevent users from transferring listed tokens from their wallets and nullifying their bids at this time.

How to manage Auction House using CLI