
Create or Update Rule Sets


A Token Authorization Rules Rule Set is a collection of Composite Rules and Primitive Rules stored in a PDA owned by the Token Auth Rules program.

Creating or Updating a Rule Set

A Rule Set is created and updated through a call to the same instruction, CreateOrUpdate. If the passed in PDA is uninitialized the program will create it, otherwise it will update the Rule Set with the passed in Rule Set data as a new revision. The following parameters must be passed in:

  • payer - The authority of the Rule Set and payer of the rent fees.
  • ruleSetPda - The PDA in which the Rule Set will be stored. The PDA uses "rule_set_state", payer, and rule_set_name as derivation seeds. The rule_set_name can be any string under 32 characters.
  • systemProgram - The system program.
  • ruleSetRevision - The serialized data for the Rule Set.
import {
} from '@metaplex-foundation/mpl-token-auth-rules';

const owner = umi.identity;
const program = generateSigner(umi).publicKey;
const name = 'transfer_test';
const revision: RuleSetRevisionV2 = {
  libVersion: 2,
  owner: owner.publicKey,
  operations: {
    Transfer: programOwnedV2('Destination', program),

// When we create a new rule set account using this data.
const ruleSetPda = findRuleSetPda(umi, { owner: owner.publicKey, name });
await createOrUpdateWithBufferV1(umi, {
  payer: owner,
  ruleSetRevision: some(revision),


Metaplex Rule Sets