
Generating Umi clients via Kinobi

The Umi framework provides the basis for building Solana clients in JavaScript. It becomes a lot more powerful when programs offer Umi-compatible libraries as it allows end-users to simply plug their Umi instance into whichever helper functions they provide. To simplify and automate the process of creating Umi-compatible libraries, Umi provides a powerful code generator called Kinobi.

Kinobi introduces a language-agnostic representation of Solana clients which can be composed of one or several programs. It does this by using a tree of nodes that can be visited by Visitor classes. Visitors can be used to update any aspect of the tree allowing developers to tailor the client to their needs. Once the tree is to the developer's liking, language-specific visitors can be used to generate the code for the target language or framework.

The good news is Kinobi ships with a RenderJavaScriptVisitor that generates Umi-compatible libraries for us.

Here's a quick overview of how to use Kinobi and Umi to create JavaScript clients for Solana programs. Note that you might be interested in this thread that goes through this diagram step by step.

Getting started with Kinobi

You may want to check the Kinobi documentation for more details but here's a quick overview of how to get started with Kinobi.

First, you need to install Kinobi:

npm install @metaplex-foundation/kinobi

Then, you need to create a JavaScript file — e.g. kinobi.js — that creates and renders a Kinobi tree. This is done by creating a Kinobi instance and passing it an array of paths to IDL files. You may want to check the Shank JS library to generate your IDL files. You can then use visitors to update the tree and render it as a Umi-compatible library via the RenderJavaScriptVisitor. Here's an example.

import { createFromIdls, RenderJavaScriptVisitor } from "@metaplex-foundation/kinobi";

// Instantiate Kinobi.
const kinobi = createFromIdls([
  path.join(__dirname, "idls", "my_idl.json"),
  path.join(__dirname, "idls", "my_other_idl.json"),

// Update the Kinobi tree using visitors...

// Render JavaScript.
const jsDir = path.join(__dirname, "clients", "js", "src", "generated");
kinobi.accept(new RenderJavaScriptVisitor(jsDir));

Now, all you need to do is run this file with Node.js like so.

node ./kinobi.js

The first time you are generating your JS client, make sure to prepare the library as needed. You'll need to at least create its package.json file, install its dependencies and provide a top-level index.ts file that imports the generated folder.

Features of Kinobi-generated clients

Now that we know how to generate Umi-compatible libraries via Kinobi, let's take a look at what they can do.

Types and serializers

Kinobi-generated libraries provide a serializer for each type, account and instruction defined on the program. It also exports the two TypeScript types required to create the serializer — i.e. its From and To type parameters. It will suffix the From type with Args to distinguish the two. For instance, if you have a MyType type defined in your IDL, you can use the following code to serialize and deserialize it.

const serializer: Serializer<MyTypeArgs, MyType> = getMyTypeSerializer();

For instructions, the name of the type is suffixed with InstructionData and, for accounts, it is suffixed with AccountData. This allows the unsuffixed account name to be used as an Account<T> type. For example, if you have a Token account and a Transfer instruction on your program, you will get the following types and serializers.

// For accounts.
type Token = Account<TokenAccountData>;
type TokenAccountData = {...};
type TokenAccountDataArgs = {...};
const tokenDataSerializer = getTokenAccountDataSerializer();

// For instructions.
type TransferInstructionData = {...};
type TransferInstructionDataArgs = {...};
const transferDataSerializer = getTransferInstructionDataSerializer();

Data enum helpers

If a generated type is identified as a data enum, additional helper methods will be created to help improve the developer experience. For instance, say you have the following data enum type generated.

type Message = 
  | { __kind: 'Quit' } // Empty variant.
  | { __kind: 'Write'; fields: [string] } // Tuple variant.
  | { __kind: 'Move'; x: number; y: number }; // Struct variant.

Then, on top of generating the types and getMessageSerializer function, it will also generate a message and isMessage function that can be used to create a new data enum and check the type of its variant respectively.

message('Quit'); // -> { __kind: 'Quit' }
message('Write', ['Hi']); // -> { __kind: 'Write', fields: ['Hi'] }
message('Move', { x: 5, y: 6 }); // -> { __kind: 'Move', x: 5, y: 6 }
isMessage('Quit', message('Quit')); // -> true
isMessage('Write', message('Quit')); // -> false

Account helpers

Kinobi will also provide additional helper methods for accounts, providing us with an easy way to fetch and deserialize them. Assuming the account name is Metadata here are the additional helper methods available to you.

// Deserialize a raw account into a parsed account.
deserializeMetadata(rawAccount); // -> Metadata

// Fetch an deserialized account from its public key.
await fetchMetadata(umi, publicKey); // -> Metadata or fail
await safeFetchMetadata(umi, publicKey); // -> Metadata or null

// Fetch all deserialized accounts by public key.
await fetchAllMetadata(umi, publicKeys); // -> Metadata[], fails if any account is missing
await safeFetchAllMetadata(umi, publicKeys) // -> Metadata[], filters out missing accounts

// Create a getProgramAccount builder for the account.
await getMetadataGpaBuilder()
  .whereField('updateAuthority', updateAuthority)
  .getDataAsPublicKeys() // -> PublicKey[]

// Get the size of the account data in bytes, if it has a fixed size.
getMetadataSize() // -> number

// Find the PDA address of the account from its seeds.
findMetadataPda(umi, seeds) // -> Pda

You may want to check the documentation on GpaBuilders to learn more about what they can do.

Transaction builders

Each generated instruction will also have its own function that can be used to create a transaction builder containing the instruction. For instance, if you have a Transfer instruction, it will generate a transfer function returning a TransactionBuilder.

await transfer(umi, { from, to, amount }).sendAndConfirm();

Because transaction builders can be combined together, this allows us to easily create transactions that contain multiple instructions like so.

await transfer(umi, { from, to: destinationA, amount })
  .add(transfer(umi, { from, to: destinationB, amount }))
  .add(transfer(umi, { from, to: destinationC, amount }))

Errors and programs

Kinobi will also generate a function that returns a Program type for each program defined in the client as well as some helpers to access them. For instance, say your client defines a MplTokenMetadata program, then the following helpers will be generated.

// The program's public key as a constant variable.

// Create a program object that can be registered in the program repository.
createMplTokenMetadataProgram(); // -> Program

// Get the program object from the program repository.
getMplTokenMetadataProgram(umi); // -> Program

// Get the program's public key from the program repository.
getMplTokenMetadataProgramId(umi); // -> PublicKey

Note that Kinobi does not auto-generate a Umi plugin for your client allowing you to customize it however you want. That means you'll need to create a plugin yourself and, at the very least, register the programs defined by your client. Here's an example using the MplTokenMetadata program.

export const mplTokenMetadata = (): UmiPlugin => ({
  install(umi) {
    umi.programs.add(createMplTokenMetadataProgram(), false);

Additionally, each program generates a custom ProgramError for each error it may throw. For instance, if your program defines a UpdateAuthorityIncorrect error, it will generate the following class.

export class UpdateAuthorityIncorrectError extends ProgramError {
  readonly name: string = 'UpdateAuthorityIncorrect';

  readonly code: number = 0x7; // 7

  constructor(program: Program, cause?: Error) {
    super('Update Authority given does not match', program, cause);

Each generated error is also registered in a codeToErrorMap and a nameToErrorMap allowing the library to provide two helper methods that can find any error class from its name or code.

getMplTokenMetadataErrorFromCode(0x7, program); // -> UpdateAuthorityIncorrectError
getMplTokenMetadataErrorFromName('UpdateAuthorityIncorrect', program); // -> UpdateAuthorityIncorrectError

Note that these methods are used by the createMplTokenMetadataProgram function to fill the getErrorFromCode and getErrorFromName functions of the Program object.
